We support high-impact, climate-oriented research and equity-related work. A few past grantees:

Study coral health when weathering olivine in tidal areas for permanent carbon mineralization.

Seed collection to preserve conifer genetic diversity.

Collecting excellent food that would otherwise go to waste and delivering it for free to people who need it.

Supporting and accelerating hardtech entrepreneurs solving the most important problems in climate.
Mostly seed and pre-seed companies that—if successful—will have a huge, positive, effect on our climate. Some of our investments:

High-scale reforestation with hyper-local seed after biodiversity-destroying megafires.

Cultivated meat: whole cut with full muscle and fat marbling—without the deforestation, methane, or animal cruelty.

Cheap, durable, carbon dioxide removal via long-term, above-ground storage of waste wood. Scalable now.

Deep physics: turbulence, mathematically solved. Implications for weather forecasting, flying, pipelines, and much more.